Care of the future
no longer without AI!
How smart technologies and artificial intelligence help to manage bottlenecks in care.
AI as a solution for the crisis in the care industry ?
Many industries are benefiting from workload reduction provided by new digital solutions and tools. Unfortunately, this is not yet the case for the care industry. Why are these solutions so little used in care facilities? And is the industry really reluctant to adopting them, or is something else at play?
Caregivers want to use digital tools
Caregivers are very positive about using digital systems. More than 96% of respondents believe that these tools will play an important or even very important role in their daily work in the future. 94 % are happy to integrate these technologies into their everyday work.
Many industries are benefiting from workload reduction provided by new digital solutions and tools. Unfortunately, this is not yet the case for the care industry. Why are these solutions so little used in care facilities? And is the industry really reluctant to adopting them, or is something else at play?
Caregivers want to use digital tools
Caregivers are very positive about using digital systems. More than 96% of respondents believe that these tools will play an important or even very important role in their daily work in the future. 94 % are happy to integrate these technologies into their everyday work.
Read the entire survey about technology in care here

Viele Branchen
profitieren von der Arbeitslastreduzierung durch neue digitale Lösungen und
Werkzeuge. Leider gilt dies noch nicht für die Pflegebranche. Warum werden
diese Lösungen in Pflegeeinrichtungen so wenig genutzt? Und ist die Branche
wirklich zurückhaltend bei ihrer Einführung oder spielt etwas anderes eine
Pflegekräfte möchten digitale Werkzeuge nutzen
Pflegekräfte stehen der Verwendung digitaler Systeme sehr positiv gegenüber. Über 96% der Befragten sind der Meinung, dass diese Werkzeuge in Zukunft eine wichtige oder sogar sehr wichtige Rolle in ihrer täglichen Arbeit spielen werden. 94% sind bereit, diese Technologien in ihre tägliche Arbeit zu integrieren.
Lesen Sie hier die gesamte Umfrage zu Technologie in der Pflege

Overrated superhero or fundamental gamechanger?
The question remains: will AI change our approach to providing care or is it just a hype? To get closer to answering this conundrum Nobi and the Berlin Haus der Zukunft invited care experts to their panel debate: AI in elderly care!
Download the event white paper and find out how:
digital technologies and AI-driven applications will become indispensable in care
AI will not replace caregivers but instead make their work easier and create more room for high-quality, responsive care services
the use of digital technologies should play a vital role in nursing training in the future (both for trainees and for teachers)
Get access to the full event recap and other interesting content
- Downloadable white paper about AI in care
- Downloadable AgeTech survey
- Downloadable presentation by Dr. Kathrin Seibert
- Interviews with our care tech experts:
- Dr. Kathrin Seibert, University of Bremen, Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP)
- Menia Ettrich, German Digital Health Association
- Sascha Saßen, Head of CQM Korian
- Peter Henrich, Managing Director Uckert Technology Service
- Vera Led, Head of DACH Nobi Smart Lamps
- Interview with Roeland Pelgrims (CEO of Nobi Smart Lamps)
- Full article in 'Care Konkret'
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