The smartest light in the world

Spotlight on Nobi's Artificial Intelligence

Beautiful on the outside, intelligence on the inside

Nobi looks like a simple, stylish lamp that blends seamlessly into any interior. Under Nobi's lampshade, however, lies a high-tech, life-saving AI universe.  

The AI model was trained for 6 years by the world's best AI experts on more than 195,000 real-life situations.

The result is an intelligent care-light that:

  • saves lives and prevents falls; 
  • enables efficient care;
  • gives health professionals insight into the well-being and health of its users through behavioural monitoring.

Hoe werkt Nobi’s AI?
Elke seconde scant Nobi de kamer met optische sensoren. Nobi’s AI herkent objecten en personen in de kamer en analyseert hun positie (in/uit bed, in/uit (bad)kamer, op de grond, enzovoort). 

Based on this, Nobi sounds an alarm when a resident has fallen, lights up the room when someone leaves the bed at night, or gives care staff insight into residents' well-being and health through behavioural monitoring.

In doing so, residents' privacy remains guaranteed.​ Find out how Nobi puts privacy first here.

How does Nobi’s AI work?
Every second, Nobi scans the room with optical sensors. Nobi's AI recognises objects and people in the room and analyses their position (in/out of bed, in/out of (bath) room, on the floor, and so on).  

Based on this, Nobi sounds an alarm when a resident has fallen, lights up the room when someone leaves the bed at night, or gives care staff insight into residents' well-being and health through behavioural monitoring.

In doing so, residents' privacy remains guaranteed.​ Find out how Nobi puts privacy first here.

How does Nobi’s AI work?
Every second, Nobi scans the room with optical sensors. Nobi's AI recognises objects and people in the room and analyses their position (in/out of bed, in/out of (bath) room, on the floor, and so on).  

Based on this, Nobi sounds an alarm when a resident has fallen, lights up the room when someone leaves the bed at night, or gives care staff insight into residents' well-being and health through behavioural monitoring.

In doing so, residents' privacy remains guaranteed.​ Find out how Nobi puts privacy first here.

How does Nobi’s AI work?
Every second, Nobi scans the room with optical sensors. Nobi's AI recognises objects and people in the room and analyses their position (in/out of bed, in/out of (bath) room, on the floor, and so on).  

Based on this, Nobi sounds an alarm when a resident has fallen, lights up the room when someone leaves the bed at night, or gives care staff insight into residents' well-being and health through behavioural monitoring.

In doing so, residents' privacy remains guaranteed.​ Find out how Nobi puts privacy first here.

How does Nobi’s AI work?
Every second, Nobi scans the room with optical sensors. Nobi's AI recognises objects and people in the room and analyses their position (in/out of bed, in/out of (bath) room, on the floor, and so on).  

Based on this, Nobi sounds an alarm when a resident has fallen, lights up the room when someone leaves the bed at night, or gives care staff insight into residents' well-being and health through behavioural monitoring.

In doing so, residents' privacy remains guaranteed.​ Find out how Nobi puts privacy first here.

Hoe werkt Nobi’s AI?
Elke seconde scant Nobi de kamer met optische sensoren. Nobi’s AI herkent objecten en personen in de kamer en analyseert hun positie (in/uit bed, in/uit (bad)kamer, op de grond, enzovoort). 

Based on this, Nobi sounds an alarm when a resident has fallen, lights up the room when someone leaves the bed at night, or gives care staff insight into residents' well-being and health through behavioural monitoring.

In doing so, residents' privacy remains guaranteed.​ Find out how Nobi puts privacy first here.

How does Nobi’s AI work?
Every second, Nobi scans the room with optical sensors. Nobi's AI recognises objects and people in the room and analyses their position (in/out of bed, in/out of (bath) room, on the floor, and so on).  

Based on this, Nobi sounds an alarm when a resident has fallen, lights up the room when someone leaves the bed at night, or gives care staff insight into residents' well-being and health through behavioural monitoring.

In doing so, residents' privacy remains guaranteed.​ Find out how Nobi puts privacy first here.

How does Nobi’s AI work?
Every second, Nobi scans the room with optical sensors. Nobi's AI recognises objects and people in the room and analyses their position (in/out of bed, in/out of (bath) room, on the floor, and so on).  

Based on this, Nobi sounds an alarm when a resident has fallen, lights up the room when someone leaves the bed at night, or gives care staff insight into residents' well-being and health through behavioural monitoring.

In doing so, residents' privacy remains guaranteed.​ Find out how Nobi puts privacy first here.

How does Nobi’s AI work?
Every second, Nobi scans the room with optical sensors. Nobi's AI recognises objects and people in the room and analyses their position (in/out of bed, in/out of (bath) room, on the floor, and so on).  

Based on this, Nobi sounds an alarm when a resident has fallen, lights up the room when someone leaves the bed at night, or gives care staff insight into residents' well-being and health through behavioural monitoring.

In doing so, residents' privacy remains guaranteed.​ Find out how Nobi puts privacy first here.

How does Nobi’s AI work?
Every second, Nobi scans the room with optical sensors. Nobi's AI recognises objects and people in the room and analyses their position (in/out of bed, in/out of (bath) room, on the floor, and so on).  

Based on this, Nobi sounds an alarm when a resident has fallen, lights up the room when someone leaves the bed at night, or gives care staff insight into residents' well-being and health through behavioural monitoring.

In doing so, residents' privacy remains guaranteed.​ Find out how Nobi puts privacy first here.

The magic of our artificial intelligence

The applications of Nobi's AI are endless and will be incrementally expanded in the coming years. 
 Currently, the following applications are ready for use : 

Fall Detection

When the smart light detects a fall, the following process takes effect:

  1. After 30 seconds, the fall escalation starts.
  2. A caregiver can provide help at lightning speed after a fall. On average, this is now just 3 minutes.

Fall Prevention

Thanks to Nobi's three-step prevention programme, 4 out of 5 falls are avoided:

  1. Automatic night light when leaving bed.
  2. Notifications on risk behaviour caregivers to proactively offer help.
  3. Understanding the cause to prevent future falls.

Smart Care

Based on data, Nobi gives health professionals insight into residents' health and well-being and enables preventive care.

The magic of our artificial intelligence

The applications of Nobi's AI are endless and will be incrementally expanded in the coming years. 
 Currently, the following applications are ready for use : 

Fall detection

When the smart light detects a fall, the following process takes effect:

  1. After 30 seconds, the fall escalation starts.
  2. A caregiver can provide help at lightning speed after a fall. On average, this is now just 3 minutes.

Fall prevention

Thanks to Nobi's three-step prevention programme, 4 out of 5 falls are avoided:

  1. Automatic night light when leaving bed.
  2. Notifications on risk behaviour caregivers to proactively offer help.
  3. Understanding the cause to prevent future falls.

Smart Care

Based on data, Nobi gives health professionals insight into residents' health and well-being and enables preventive care.

Nobi’s proven impact

In 2023, the UK carehome Hartland House in Milnthorpe (Cumbria, UK) installed 8 Nobi lights, as part of a pilot project by the ​ NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB) of Lancashire & South-Cumbria

Find out in this case study how Nobi was able to demonstrate that its AI technology: 

  • allows care workers to offer help in less than 2 minutes. That's 28 times faster than without Nobi.​
  • detects 100% of falls. That's 64% more than without Nobi. No falls are missed anymore​.
  • can avoid 84% of falls. This avoids a lot of suffering for residents, extra work for care staff and expensive hospital admissions.​ 

These results promptly convinced the local ICB to equip 50 additional residential care centres in the region with Nobi's smart lights.

Nobi’s proven impact

In 2023, the UK carehome Hartland House in Milnthorpe (Cumbria, UK) installed 8 Nobi lights, as part of a pilot project by the ​ NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB) of Lancashire & South-Cumbria

Find out in this case study how Nobi was able to demonstrate that its AI technology: 

  • allows care workers to offer help in less than 2 minutes. That's 28 times faster than without Nobi.​
  • detects 100% of falls. That's 64% more than without Nobi. No falls are missed anymore​.
  • can avoid 84% of falls. This avoids a lot of suffering for residents, extra work for care staff and expensive hospital admissions.​ 

These results promptly convinced the local ICB to equip 50 additional residential care centres in the region with Nobi's smart lights.

Discover the complete case study here! 

UN AI For Good Global Summit (Geneva)  

In May 2024, Nobi participated in the UN AI For Good Global Summit at the invitation of the organisation. The organisation invited Nobi because they believe Nobi's smart lights are an inspiring example of how AI can have a big, positive impact and help address the world's biggest societal challenges.

Couldn't attend and want to know more about Nobi and how its AI lights can transform not only your healthcare organisation, but also a country's overall healthcare and health system?

Get in touch with our business developers

What other say about Nobi​​

"Just another example of how AI can make a difference to our society"

- Hannah McNulty

Reporter for ITV Border

"Today, I have seen a great example of how smart technology can provide support to staff, enhancing the quality of care. Technology in healthcare can add significant value"

- Hilde Crivits
Flemish minister of Welfare, Public Health and Family

"We will purchase another 500 smart lights with money from the Digital Social Care Fund and install them in 50 residential care homes in Lancashire and South Cumbria. We hope those 50 residential care homes will achieve the same results as Hartland. And if they do... wow!"

- Deborah Gent

Project partner within the Digital Social Care Team in Lancashire & South Cumbria

What other say about Nobi​​

"Just another example of how AI can make a difference to our society"

- Hannah McNulty

Reporter for ITV Border

"Today, I have seen a great example of how smart technology can provide support to staff, enhancing the quality of care. Technology in healthcare can add significant value"

- Hilde Crivits
Flemish minister of Welfare, Public Health and Family

"We will purchase another 500 smart lights with money from the Digital Social Care Fund and install them in 50 residential care homes in Lancashire and South Cumbria. We hope those 50 residential care homes will achieve the same results as Hartland. And if they do... wow!"

- Deborah Gent

Project partner within the Digital Social Care Team in Lancashire & South Cumbria

Preventieve zorg 
Dankzij meldingen bij het in- en uitstappen van het bed kunnen zorgverleners proactief helpen en vallen vermijden.


Een overzicht van het slaapgedrag bevat cruciale informatie voor zorg op maat.

Meten van hoestpatronen 
Nobi helpt zware gezondheids-problemen voorkomen door ze vroegtijdig op te sporen.


In zorginstellingen zorgt Nobi voor hulp binnen 90 seconden na de val.

Automatische verlichting bij het in en uit bed stappen.

Circadiaans ritme 
Lichttemperatuur past zich aan volgens het tijdstip en helpt zo het dagritme in stand te houden.

Handenvrije tweerichtings-
communicatie via de lamp

​De zorgverlener/ vertrouwens-persoon stelt de bewoner gerust en vertelt dat er hulp aankomt.

Voordeurontgrendeling vanop afstand (thuis)  
Vertrouwenspersoon kunnen hulpverleners binnenlaten, wanneer zij niet snel genoeg ter plaatse zijn.

Een overzichtelijk dashboard: de activiteit in alle Nobi-kamers in 1 oogopslag en koppeling met het medische dossier.

Gebruiksvriendelijke en intuïtieve app voor vertrouwenspersonen.



Onze functies 


Preventieve zorg 
Dankzij meldingen bij het in- en uitstappen van het bed kunnen zorgverleners proactief helpen en vallen vermijden.

Een overzicht van het slaapgedrag bevat cruciale informatie voor zorg op maat.

Meten van hoestpatronen 
Nobi helpt zware gezondheids-problemen voorkomen door ze vroegtijdig op te sporen.


In zorginstellingen zorgt Nobi voor hulp binnen 90 seconden na de val.

Automatische verlichting bij het in en uit bed stappen.

Circadiaans ritme 
Lichttemperatuur past zich aan volgens het tijdstip en helpt zo het dagritme in stand te houden.

Handenvrije tweerichtings-communicatie via de lamp 
De zorgverlener/vertrouwenspersoon kan de bewoner geruststellen en vertellen dat er hulp aankomt.

Voordeurontgrendeling vanop afstand (thuis) 
Vertrouwenspersoon kunnen bijkomende hulpverleners binnenlaten, wanneer zij niet snel genoeg ter plaatse zijn.

Onze functies 


Een overzichtelijk dashboard: de activiteit in alle Nobi-kamers in 1 oogopslag en koppeling met het medische dossier.

Gebruiksvriendelijke en intuïtieve app voor vertrouwenspersonen.